The Issues

Transparency and open dialogue

If elected, I will work hard on transparency and open dialogue in order to increase citizen participation in Brookline decisions. A multifaceted approach may be necessary in order to communicate effectively with people who do not have access to the internet. We need to look at our town’s communication strategy and utilize platforms that are the most effective for the most people. I hope to strengthen the communication between our local government and our citizens which may also promote innovation in the public management and fosters the prevention and fight against corruption. Improved communication fosters public trust and improves the quality of life for citizens and may promote economic growth and job creations by increasing trust. Tweaking the town website will also be a priority of mine, so it’s easier to navigate and find pertinent information

Mental health

Recent surveys of mayors in 126 American cities found that the key priority in all 126 cities was mental health. I support our Health Department and the work they are doing to improve the mental health in our community. I sat on the Brookline Wellness Committee for K-12th grade this past year. We went line by line and edited the policy with mental health in mind. I am proud to have been part of this group to advocate for the mental health of our students in Brookline. I also will continue to support our wonderful green spaces, parks, playgrounds, places of recreation that will foster positive mental health for our community. Being a Board Member of BPEN (Brookline Parent Education Network), I will continue to help the board find ways to advocate for our community so that Brookline is healthy and will continue my partnerships and my relationships with different departments in Brookline to improve the mental health of all ages in Brookline including our seniors.

Raising revenue

Increasing revenue by identifying parcels of land where we can grow commercial districts is a high priority for me. The most successful downtown districts have many major functions such as employment, residential, entertainment, and shopping, etc. The key is to create a diverse district that draw people for employment but also places to shop, eat, and lodge, etc. I am innovative and forward thinking, and if elected would make this a priority. It is also important for me to create a comprehensive economic development strategy that maximizes the community’s strengths and minimizes its weaknesses and evaluates opportunities and threats.

Managing Our Expenditures Prudently

We need to be fiscally prudent and must be willing to say NO on things that we cannot afford. We do not have an unlimited spending source. We need to be good stewards of our finances and always look for ways to reduce unnecessary spending and manage our construction well. If elected, I will look carefully and thoroughly where we can improve in management, and plan on what we can and cannot afford.

Addressing the housing crisis

I voted YES on the recent MBTCA Consensus Warrant Article at the last Town Meeting. If elected, I intend to support these efforts and to also find ways to increase affordable housing. The affordable housing crisis grows while efforts to increase supply fall short due to increased interest rates and low inventory. This is not an easy problem to fix overnight, but we are headed in the right direction. If elected, I will be working on these efforts so people of all socio economic backgrounds can find a home in Brookline. It will be important to comprehensively plan for all the new housing.

Committing to climate change

I support all of Brookline’s climate action and environmental sustainability initiatives and participation in the development and implementation of climate policies. Here’s a LINK to the town’s website on how to electrify and reduce carbon emission. When I was a Girl Scout Troop Leader, my troop #82545 spoke at Town Meeting a few years ago and helped pass a resolution committing Brookline to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040. If elected I support these efforts and welcome new ideas to help us reach our carbon free goals.

Supporting our seniors

Our seniors need our support and care. I understand that with higher taxes, it’s harder for them to age in place which they should be able to do. If elected I will continue to support our seniors by creating an inventory of what’s working and not working for them. Is there adequate transportation to the senior center and to doctor appointments? I also think seniors need to be on all boards and commissions so they have a voice in town decisions. During the pandemic I wrote for the Brookline TAB on articles that impacted seniors in nursing facilities and assisted living centers in the hope that our seniors were taken good care of.